44 prints | stamping ink on paper | 20 x 30 cm each | 2013
In this series of prints I wanted to explore the visual property of a single loaf of bread. A basic daily necessity. In 44 prints, each side of 22 slices was individually printed, making all eatable sides visible at once.

44 prints | stamping ink on paper | 20 x 30 cm each | 2013 Exhibition view: International Graphic Art Center, Ljubljana

44 prints | stamping ink on paper | 20 x 30 cm each | 2013 Exhibition view: International Graphic Art Center, Ljubljana

44 prints | stamping ink on paper | 20 x 30 cm each | 2013 Exhibition view: International Graphic Art Center, Ljubljana

44 prints | stamping ink on paper | 20 x 30 cm each | 2013 Exhibition view: International Graphic Art Center, Ljubljana
Tryptich | stamping ink on paper, newspaper, silicone | 70 x 300 cm overall | 2011-12
English, Slovenian and Serbian daily newspapers are bound and three holes are cut into it with a disk grinder. From each hole, silicon rubber molds are made, which are later used as a printing matrix. Stamping ink was used for printing, the same one used for giving fingerprints or office stamping.
Print installation was part of the Slovenian Survey of Printmaking at the International Center of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Installation view at the International Center of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

stamping ink on paper | 70 x 300 cm overall | 2011/12




Series of 27 prints | beet juice on paper | 17 x 25 cm each | 2010
Taking each slice of the beet root and pressing it on paper to give them the notion of floating islands on the page.

or 190g of red beets vegetable juice on paper - 17 x 25 cm each - 2010
Series of 28 prints | xerox transfer on folded tracing paper | 20 x 30 in each | 2007
Using cutouts of various countries in various dimensions, by combining three of them I would create a void, hole, empty space in the middle, which is a reflection of a fourth world country.
One of the prints won a 3rd prize at the Survey of Contemporary Drawing at the Grand Rapids Art Institute, Michigan. Curated by Dominic Molon

xerox transfer on paper | 20 x 30 in each | 2009

xerox transfer on paper | 20 x 30 in each | 2009